Whitepapers & Documents

Are you ready for the next step?

Written by Atlassian | Apr 29, 2024 5:05:57 PM

The text explores the transition from Atlassian's Jira Software with Advanced Roadmaps to Jira Align, focusing on agile planning and scaling for organizations. It highlights the evolution of agile methodologies, the need for aligning work with organizational objectives, and the challenges of scaling frameworks. It offers step-by-step guidance for transitioning, emphasizing stakeholder buy-in, defining OKRs, selecting agile frameworks, and integrating with Jira Align. The benefits of Jira Align include improved visualization, better reporting, resource tracking, alignment with business strategy, and governance integration. The document targets both customers and partners of Atlassian, offering insights and guidance for adopting Jira Align in agile transformations.