Whitepapers & Documents

Choose Jira Service Management over Zendesk for true peace of mind

Written by Atlassian | Apr 30, 2024 8:02:30 AM

The provided text pitches Jira Service Management (JSM) as a superior alternative to Zendesk, emphasizing its comprehensive IT Service Management (ITSM) capabilities. JSM is portrayed as offering a full-featured solution with asset, change, knowledge, and configuration management, contrasting Zendesk's purportedly limited functionality. Customer testimonials underscore JSM's efficacy in streamlining workflows and delivering high-quality service. The text encourages organizations to consider JSM for their ITSM needs, highlighting its seamless integration within the Atlassian ecosystem and its ability to cater to both internal and external customers. Overall, the summary presents JSM as a robust and customizable ITSM solution designed to enhance collaboration and efficiency across teams.