Whitepapers & Documents

Mercy Ships brings healthcare & hope to underserved communities with the help of Atlassian

Written by Atlassian | Apr 15, 2024 6:01:25 AM

The whitepaper delves into how Mercy Ships, a nonprofit providing healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa, employs Atlassian products to overcome operational challenges. With a fleet of hospital ships and volunteers, Mercy Ships faces unique complexities. Atlassian's suite, including Jira Service Management, Confluence, Opsgenie, and Statuspage, streamlines communication, incident management, and collaboration. This integration enhances efficiency, enabling Mercy Ships to deliver free medical care, train local healthcare professionals, and leave a lasting impact on communities. Through real-world examples, the whitepaper illustrates how Atlassian tools empower Mercy Ships to fulfill their mission of bringing hope and healing to the world's forgotten poor.