
A legmagasabb biztonsági előírások az egészségügyi technológiára vonatkozóan


Az egészségügyi ágazat az egyik legérzékenyebb iparág a világon. Fizikai, mentális, pénzügyi és érzelmi szinten egyaránt hatással van az emberek életére. Nem meglepő, hogy a mai gyorsan fejlődő világban az ügyfelek magas színvonalú szolgáltatásokat keresnek. Egyértelműen szükség van a modern, magas színvonalú és megbízható betegellátási szolgáltatások fejlesztésére. A megfelelő technológia szinte bármilyen problémát megoldhat és szinte bármilyen célt elérhet, de csak akkor, ha azt a megfelelő emberek támogatják a megfelelő folyamatokkal.


Megoldásaink az egészségügyi ágazat számára:

ERP icon


catworkx ERP is your personal companion that grows with your needs. Our solutions is made for startups, medium enterprises and globally distributed workforces.We can't predict where your journey ...
Enterprise Wiki icon

Enterprise Wiki

Keep your team involved! With most organizations having some portion of their team in different locations, collaboration is crucial to get the job done, and done well. Whether it's collaborating on a ...
Enterprise Wiki
Social Intranet icon

Social Intranet

Adapt your Confluence to your corporate design. Take your company to the next level – track progress, unify teams and document the probably most valuable asset - your knowledge.
Social Intranet
Enterprise Service Management icon

Enterprise Service Management

ESM helps companies define their services and offer them in a consistent manner through a single portal that is accessible 24/7.
Enterprise Service ...
Business Processes icon

Business Processes

Discover the art of streamlined operations and efficiency. Explore our comprehensive guide to business processes, from modeling techniques like flowcharts and BPMN to leveraging Atlassian tools and ...
Business Processes
Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) icon

Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

Jira and Confluence provide a good basis for mapping GRC processes. Use issue types for policies, audits and risks and relate them to STAGIL assets.
Governance, Risk & ...
Information Security Management System (ISMS) icon

Information Security Management System (ISMS)

Whether on their own servers or in the cloud, companies are storing more data than ever. The IT systems used must be protected so that data is in safe hands. But only a few companies rely on a ...
Information Security ...
Data security icon

Data security

Effective data security is critical for organizations of all sizes and industries. A solid foundation for data security can be established by focusing on Permission Schemes, Risk Matrix and Access ...
Data security
Atlassian Backup & Restore icon

Atlassian Backup & Restore

The Enhanced Atlassian Cloud Backup & Restore solution delivers a comprehensive, automated backup system designed for enterprise-grade data protection. It offers advanced recovery options, granular ...
Atlassian Backup & ...
kompromisszummentes mérnöki rendszerek_featured@2x-1560x760

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