Our Solution for Confluence

Educate employees and customers with ease by using our versatile LMS solution and creating a variety of interactive training content according to your wishes and designed as full-fledged online courses.

Courses & Enrollment

Invite employees or customers to training sessions or activate self-enrollment for open courses so that the courses are available for your Confluence users.

The participants see all the visible courses and can start them anytime in the overview of the new learning area.


Training & Content

A clear structure of your training content ensures that the participant can keep an overview and navigate through the training with ease.

The training can be designed more vivid and appealing by using images, videos, and various quiz modules.

Quiz types and Questions

Use different quiz types and your own questions to create the optimal training for your team.

From training and education to new qualifications -> Our solution provides a solid training base for your company and lets you define and create the training exactly the way you need it.



The feedback form allows you to create surveys and integrate them into the training.

This will allow you to receive feedback from participants and optimize the course.


Participants will receive a user-specific certificate upon training completion.

The certificate can be created in alignment with your corporate design and  can be adjusted based on your needs.



As a training manager, you can view and evaluate the progress of a course at any time.

The performance and the received ratings of a single participant can be viewed in detail for a more accurate evaluation.

Properly integrating and using Atlassian tools is the key to effective project management. Let's make the most of them to streamline workflows and boost productivity.
Victor Davis
PM Consultant 
Learning Management System (LMS)
Time Tracking
Resource Planning
Atlassian Tools for Marketing

Would you like to formalize the learning processes in your company? 


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