We offer attractive package benefits and advise on advantageous options for buying or extending Atlassian licenses.
Get started!Meet catworkx at Atlassian Team ’25 in Anaheim and discover how we take teamwork to the next level. Get inspired by groundbreaking innovations, the latest solutions, and exclusive insights from our experts!
Our attractive project packages often make the use of Atlassian products cheaper - please contact us and compare your offers with us!
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Room to Read has established more than 13,000 libraries and constructed more than 1,500 schools in developing nations. The Atlassian Foundation will make a donation equivalent to your payment to www.roomtoread.org.
As an Atlassian Platinum Enterprise Solution Partner, catworkx can expertly advise you on Atlassian product plans and features. Let us help you save licensing costs and simplify the purchasing process!
The initial consultation is non-binding and free of charge.