Discover insights, measure success, drive growth

Gain exceptional insights and benchmarking tools to assess your progress and discover new opportunities for your growth.


Uncover hidden opportunities

Develop a comprehensive insight into your organizational departments, teams, and programs as they evolve. Identify key growth opportunities, initiate organization-wide initiatives, and nurture a culture of ongoing improvement.

Boost informed decision-making and implement improvements

Each of the surveys used in catworkx Agile Assessments is designed by our domain experts. Receive in-depth insights tailored to your strategic priorities, enabling the implementation of transformative changes that drive enhanced team productivity and engagement.

Customized to unique needs

Each assessment is tailored to your organization's specific needs. Surveys are customized, recommendations are actionable, and scheduling is designed with flexibility in mind. Let's make your improvements effective, seamless, and hassle-free!

Need help with data insights and strategic decisions for agile transformation? I'm your best choice!
Ahmet Weber
Enterprise Agility Consultant, SPC, Atlassian Expert
AI-Enhanced Reporting
Requirements Management
Technical Documentation

Have any questions? We are here to answer them!