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The whitepaper introduces Atlassian Intelligence, an AI-powered integration into the Atlassian cloud platform aimed at accelerating teamwork. It highlights key benefits such as increased individual productivity through features like generative AI in the editor, AI-powered summaries, natural language automation, and AI definitions. Matthias Hansen, Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd's Group Chief Technology Officer, praises its ability to summarize reports quickly. Additionally, Atlassian Intelligence augments team capabilities with virtual agents for support interactions and delivers insights from organizational data through features like natural language to SQL. The document emphasizes trust and responsible technology principles, assuring users of data privacy and Atlassian's commitment to positive societal impact. Overall, it targets Atlassian customers, offering a comprehensive overview of how Atlassian Intelligence can streamline workflows and enhance collaboration.

Atlassian Intelligence: Harness the power of AI to accelerate teamwork