[Confluence], [Jira Software], [Jira Service Management], [Project & Work Management], [Knowledge & Information], [Enterprise], [Apps for Jira], [Apps for Confluence], [Atlassian Atlas]

The provided text outlines the challenges and solutions associated with scaling Atlassian Cloud Enterprise for Jira Software, Confluence, and Jira Service Management. It discusses the need to balance customization with organization-wide governance, centralized user management, custom security policies, cross-team collaboration, and budget considerations. The guide explains how Atlassian Cloud Enterprise enables standardization through Atlassian organizations, supports multiple instances for custom needs, facilitates centralized user management with granular permissions, offers flexible authentication policies, provides security insights, fosters cross-team collaboration, and offers seamless navigation across instances. It emphasizes Atlassian's commitment to addressing these challenges and enabling effective collaboration and scalability for organizations utilizing their cloud-based tools.

Guide to multi-instance scale in Atlassian Cloud