Checklists for Jira (Enterprise) by HeroCoders

Checklists for Jira (Enterprise) by HeroCoders

Checklists that outperform action items or subtasks: ToDo lists, Definition of Done, Acceptance Criteria, and compliance at scale

Checklists for Jira (Enterprise) by HeroCoders logo

Checklist for Every Agile Process…

Create admin-controlled Global Checklists to enforce processes across teams. Make a Definition of Done template and set it as a default for all stories. Create individual Acceptance Criteria lists for each issue.

Use Actionable Checklist Items with Automation

Integrate checklists with automation or workflow behaviors to bake compliance into processes. Set custom permissions for who can view/work on checklists. Use lists with the API or scripting apps for complex processes.

Lighter than Subtasks, Smarter than Action Items

Organize work and track progress without subtasks. View assigned items, use JQL to find unchecked items. Format with markdown, mentions, dates, links, descriptions and clickable issue keys – in a delightfully simple UI.


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