Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ)

Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ)

The gold standard for managing Jira configurations at scale

Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) logo

Migrations for projects, issues, & configurations

Pair this app with the free Configuration Manager Cloud Migration Tool to easily migrate projects, issues, and configurations from Jira Server or DC to Cloud. A modern wizard makes migration safe and easy.

Review changes to the Cloud before making them

Analyze the impact of each change you are about to make and resolve any errors or warnings easily. Rename projects, рrоject keys, workflows, and workflow schemes all during the analysis phase of a migration.

Avoid unintended or risky changes

If any problems are detected during the analysis, the app will suggest fixes. This helps you prevent any unintended or risky changes. Failed migrations will automatically roll back to the previous secure state.


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