Custom Fields Suite: Multilevel Select, Regex, Dynamic field

Custom Fields Suite: Multilevel Select, Regex, Dynamic field

Advanced custom fields: multi-level cascading select, Regular expression, Dynamic field for data control and portal interactions

Custom Fields Suite: Multilevel Select, Regex, Dynamic field logo

Powerful cascading field for every-scale instances

Create multilevel cascading hierarchies as a regular custom field, with easy set up for large instances. Use it on issue creation and customer portal. Display values on a special gadget or EazyBI reports.

Validate text format with Regex custom field

Create a Regex custom field to ensure correct data format from customers or co-workers. Define and validate input to eliminate mistakes, especially in large organizations. Use it as a regular but more powerful field.

Display issue values with Dynamic custom field

Use dynamic custom field to provide calculated values from issue fields. Automatically update values with a read-only field. Use pre-configured templates (latest comment, parent status) or write custom Jira expressions.


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