Google Calendar for Confluence

Google Calendar for Confluence

Google Calendar Integration for Confluence. Integrate Calendars. Share & sync team calendars, project schedules, events & meetings

Google Calendar for Confluence logo

Embed multiple Google Calendars in Confluence

Use Google Calendar macro to integrate Google Calendars into Confluence

Share it with colleagues without making it public

Keep business-critical meetings & events private while showcasing them in a secure environment

Streamline Collaboration with Multiple Calendars

Add & Sync Calendars within a single macro

Avoid scheduling conflicts & wasted time by having a centralized view of all events

Whether it’s a team calendar, project or event calendar - effortless meeting consolidation

Customize your Google Calendar view to perfection

Change the size of calendar frame, show or hide calendars.

Adjust calendars to fine-tune it to fit your Confluence page.

Color coding helps to distinguish between different calendars.

Configure timezone and clock format.


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