HubSpot CRM for Jira Report, Issue Link & Collaboration

HubSpot CRM for Jira Report, Issue Link & Collaboration

Integrate HubSpot into Jira Cloud for project management and CRM experiences with linking to Contacts, Companies, Deals & Tickets

HubSpot CRM for Jira Report, Issue Link & Collaboration logo

How to integrate HubSpot into Jira

Within Jira, open your Jira issue.

Locate and click on the “HubSpot CRM for Jira”.

Select contact, company, deal, or ticket and search for your object.

Add the object to the issue.

Linking HubSpot CRM to Jira issues

When creating a Jira issue, you can now link multiple HubSpot objects to your issue directly in Jira. Object owners are notified within HubSpot and are able to keep track of the issue’s progress.

Accessing Jira features in HubSpot

You can now follow Jira issues linked to your object in HubSpot, if an issue does not exist you can create it directly from HubSpot. You can also keep track of the Jira comments and reply to them as needed.


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