Power BI Connector – app for Atlassian Jira

Power BI Connector for Jira

No-code Power BI Jira integration. Connect Jira to Power BI and build custom Jira reports easily. Use free templates on Cloud

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Seamless Power BI Jira Integration

Enjoy Power BI Jira reports and share with non-Jira users. Connect Jira to Power BI in 3 steps:

1. Create a data source and select any fields using filters

2. Copy data source URL

3. Import it to Power BI with OData feed

Unlimited Power BI Jira Reporting Experience

Build Jira reports based on standard and custom fields, and apps. Use filters to specify data export. Dive deep into Jira data with interactive Power BI Jira dashboards and share them easily with non-Jira users.

Pre-built Jira Dashboard Templates

Instantly build Jira reports with Power BI dashboard templates and pre-configured data sources. Just download one of the templates and get your Jira report in Power BI without a hassle.


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