Server Status

Server Status

A collection of some server status tools for confluence

Server Status logo

See at a glance the current status of all servers. Currently supported protocols are HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP (SSL, TLS). This plugin is in german and english.

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After installation you will find the macros in the macro browser (Edit page | Insert | Other Macros). You will find the following new macros (see screenshots):

  • "HTTP status": It’s a simple http status check for the given URL.
  • "HTTP status with expected content": Checks the content of the given URL. Compare types currently text and RegEx.
  • "SMTP status": Checks your SMTP server with given credentials.
  • "Server Status Container": This container collect the results of all contained status macros. Just include one or more macros into it. You can display it simple as status text or as table.
  • You can use the placeholder "{STATUS}" in display text.

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