Slack for Confluence (Chat, Notification, Questions)

Slack for Confluence (Chat, Notification, Questions)

Slack integration for Confluence. Send Slack chat notifications for changes in Confluence. Customizable & automated chat messages

Slack for Confluence (Chat, Notification, Questions) logo

An automated Confluence to Slack integration

🗨️ Slack chat notifications for created or updated Confluence pages, blogposts, questions, comments or @-mentions

👥 Automated updates to Slack channels & to users directly

🕔 Slack Notifications are delivered instantly

Highly customizable Slack chat notifications

⚙️ Setup notifications in a Slack Space by specifying the channels & users to notify

🛠️ Customize Slack notifications with maximum flexibility

👉 Decide which types of updates should be included in the notifications

How to get started with Slack for Confluence

🪝 Create a new incoming Webhook integration within Slack.

☑️ Copy & paste a Slack Incoming Webhook URL into the form in the Slack for Confluence configuration.

🤝 Also compatible with Mattermost and Rocket.Chat.


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