sumUp for Jira

Realtime calculations done easily in Jira.

No-code real-time calculations in Jira and on dashboards - for story points, time estimates, budgets, worklogs and custom fields.

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Instant-ready summation in dashboard gadgets

Calculate the sums of Jira system and custom fields - story points, time estimates, or any numbers - without additional configuration or scripting, including Team-managed Projects (formerly Next-gen), Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio), and Assets (formerly Insight).

Effortless live data visualization.

Use saved filters or choose custom JQL instead to create meaningful dashboard gadgets in only a few clicks.

Clear insights into the work of your teams.

Report on work logged on issues, epics, and initiatives in projects or grouped by any field with customizable time frames. 


Atlassian Enterprise Platinum Solution Partner

Solution Partners provide the services, implementation, consulting, and unique solutions that help our users create what's next.

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