ServiceNow Connector for Jira (ServiceNow Integration)

ServiceNow Connector for Jira (ServiceNow Integration)

Real-time Jira ServiceNow integration. Sync issues in Jira and ServiceNow incidents & other entities automatically

ServiceNow Connector for Jira (ServiceNow Integration) logo

Implement any ServiceNow Jira integration use case

Why let no-code integration apps decide your Jira ServiceNow integration scope? Middlewares control everything for both sides, Exalate gives you full control over your environment. Have AI-assisted scripts sync anything

What can you sync between Jira and ServiceNow?

Map & sync incidents, problems, change requests, RITMs & default & custom fields between Jira and ServiceNow. Improve visibility of escalated tickets: as devs work on a fix, support/CS are updated on status in real time.

Secure & scalable Jira ServiceNow connector

With Exalate there is no need to negotiate your Jira ServiceNow integration ownership (unlike IntegrationHub or other apps). Scale beyond Jira ServiceNow integration easily & securely, either internally or cross-company.


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