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catworkx Method Training: Prince2 Project Management

PRINCE2 is a globally recognized and proven project management methodology. PRINCE2's best practices combine controlled project processes and regular progress reviews with flexible decision-making moments and a clear organizational structure. Thus, the method offers a process-oriented, product-related and scalable framework for effective project management.

Target group:

Project Managers

Required prior knowledge:

No prior knowledge required

*The accredited Prince 2 Project Management training is offered by SERVIEW and is accredited by PeopleCert.



You can join our courses from anywhere in the world. Provided your internet connection is stable

On premise

We come to you or we organize the training at one of our locations

Video On Demand

We will provide you with the videos and associated test systems. 



Participants from different companies can take part in our publicly accessible courses. We deal with generic systems and teach you the standardized configurations.

Own group

In our courses for closed groups, we go into your own systems. We prepare the courses in such a way that we teach you how to use your in-house systems.

Course Content: 


PRINCE2 comprises four basic elements: seven principles, themes and processes, and a description of how they can be adapted to different project environments. A PRINCE2 project is divided into controllable phases. This means that at the end of each phase, the progress of the project can be accurately assessed so that timely control intervention can be taken if necessary. In this way, the project path leads to the desired results via controllable, well-organized and transparent contributions. The process model also provides team members with concrete recommendations for action at any time for the respective project phase.

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The 7 basic principles in PRINCE2: 


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PRINCIPLE 1: Ongoing business justification

In Form eines Business Case verlangt PRINCE2 die laufende betriebswirtschaftliche Absicherung eines Projekts.

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PRINCIPLE 2: Learning from experience

PRINCE2 requires the maintenance of an experience log in which the good and bad experiences, risks and problems encountered, improvements and ideas are recorded.

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PRINCIPLE 3: Defined roles and responsibilities

Damit Interessen adäquat repräsentiert werden, definiert PRINCE2 Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten. 

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PRINCIPLE 4: Control over management phases

In PRINCE2, planning, implementation, management and control are divided into phases. In addition to technical phases, PRINCE2 has management phases, each of which is planned and budgeted.

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PRINCIPLE 5: Managing by the Exception Principle

PRINCE2 recommends managing projects according to the exception principle - also known as management by exception. This defines the time, cost, product quality, scope, benefits, and risks in which the work can be performed, as well as the tolerances for each level of management.

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PRINCIPLE 6: Focus on products

Der Schwerpunkt von PRINCE2 liegt auf der Schaffung von Ergebnissen. Die Ergebnisse, einschließlich der Teil- und Zwischenergebnisse, werden als Produkte bezeichnet. In PRINCE2 wird nicht spezifiziert, wie die Produkte erstellt werden, sondern der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Qualitätskriterien der Produkte.

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PRINCIPLE 7: Adapt to the project situation

PRINCE2 is not a template for specific types of projects. This method is not designed for specific project situations. Therefore, flexibility requires a concrete design in each project, and an adaptation to the respective project situation.


We issue individual certificates for successfully completed training courses. These certify that you have taken part in our courses


Courses at catworkx:


Learn from the best! As a Platinum Enterprise Solution Partner, we will teach you all our tricks and tricks. More Atlassian expertise is not possible!


If you book an on-premise training with us, you do not need to bring your own hardware. We have prepared everything for you.


Our training courses always give you the opportunity to test what you have learned yourself. You even have to do this to complete some tasks. You get access to a demo environment in which you can let off steam.


Our editors do not play a script but are familiar with your topics. We all come from consulting and configuration and can answer your questions in depth.

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